Cost Comparison

Cost Comparison

We did some of your homework for you (aren't we nice?) by comparing the cost of AUS with some other private Christian schools in the area. As you can see, AUS is a very competitive with other schools in the area. Often times AUS offers more for less money.

There is a new payment plan designed to help parents cover the cost of a Christian Education. Instead of paying registration and 10 monthly tuition payments, all the costs are rolled into one fee and split evenly over 12 months. This can also help with the new school year costs as the registration fee and first monthly tuition can be a large sum to pay at once.

Discounts are available for multiple students from one family. Single child, Adventist family comparison see above.


Financial help

If you or someone you know wishes to send their kids to AUS but can’t afford it, consider the following options:

Wachovia Bank Loan: This bank offers Elementary and Secondary School loans specially designed for Adventist Schools. You can receive from 1,000 to 20,000 dollars. For more information call 1-800-657-1236.